Monday, November 26, 2007

Downtown Denver

Matt and I went downtown this past weekend to check out a local bookstore and see all the Christmas lights that were put up after Thanksgiving. I know you can't see much of the city, but since I haven't posted a picture of us in a while, I thought it was appropriate.

LoDo as they call Lower Downtown Denver (which is the historical part) is really nice. 16th street is closed off to cars, so all you have are horse drawn carriages (which you pay for) and a free bus that runs along the entire street.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lakes around Littleton

These pictures are from this past weekend.

This is at Platte Park not too far from our house.
(This picture is Matt's and my favorite so far)

Another picture taken at South Platte Park, at sunset.

Snow Day!

Okay, so it's not technically a snow day, but it's the first time it's snowed here in Littleton since we moved in to our new place a couple of weeks ago. It snowed most of the night (Tuesday night) and just Monday the temperature was 77 degrees in the middle of the day!

This is the view from our front door!
Our mini is covered in snow and guess whose job it is to clear it off? Not mine!

This is the view from the back door.
You're right, I still haven't walked out in the snow. I'm still in my PJs enjoying
the weather from indoors.

It is cold, but we haven't started a fire in the fireplace this morning, but we're ready.
Chico is ready too! He loves sitting next to the fire. I think both kitties will like the fireplace more now that we've let them experience the snow. We let them outside and it took them about 4 seconds to run back in.